修正了不少bug 真是越来越完善了,赞一个

quercus: empty() needs to call ArrayAccess->offsetExists() (#5612, rep by G. Krall) quercus: session_status() not implemented (#5609, rep by G. Krall) quercus: self doesn’t work inside a namespace (#5608, G. Krall) quercus: ReflectionParameter->getClass() not implemented (#5607, rep by G. Krall) quercus: IllegalArgumentException vfs: not found on JBoss (#5606, rep by G. Krall) quercus: ReflectionFunction does not work for closures (#5605, rep by G. Krall) quercus: Xml reader is not working (#5603, rep by qumo) quercus: call_user_func() needs to call __invoke (#5601, rep by G. Krall) quercus: instanceof Closure returns false for closures (#5600, rep by G. Krall) quercus: QuercusCompiledScript.eval() needs to return the Value object (#5589, rep by S. Guo) quercus: ScriptEngineManager.getEngineByName(“php”) returns Quercus with unicode.semantics=off (#5588, rep by S. Guo)